Parish History

Immanuel Mar Thoma Parish, Ahmadi, Kuwait

Marthomites have been migrating from India, especially Kerala, ever since the early 1940s. Interestingly, it was during the second half of that decade that Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) recruited several Indians, among them several Syrian Christians. KOC had begun exploration and drilling for oil in collaboration with Anglo Persian Oil Company and Gulf Oil Company. The Malayalee’s in the workforce resided at Ahmadi. The Marthomites among them met for prayer and fellowship on the premises of KOC. A small group of 5 met for the first time in a tent in August 1949 at Ahmadi Ridge, where KOC's main office now stands. 

As time went by, Marthomites began to trickle into Kuwait to serve in the Health Ministry and the Banking sector, and they resided mainly in Kuwait Town. In the absence of an officially approved Mar Thoma Parish these members joined to set up a strong congregation, with regular prayer and worship services.

In 1952, Rev. Philip Oommen (later to become Chrysostom Mar Thoma Metropolitan) arrived as a guest of KOC in Kuwait. The visit of Rev. Philip Oommen was a remarkable turning point in the history of Kuwait's Mar Thoma community. He conducted the first Holy Communion service in Kuwait at Anglican Church – Ahmadi on 4th April 1952.

Most believers from all over Kuwait began regular worship services in Ahmadi Church under the banner of Ahmadi Malayalee Christian Congregation at the time. Our bishops and Achens from Kerala visited to conduct Holy Communion services, as and when convenient, especially during Christmas and Easter celebrations.

A memorable event for the Christian community in Ahmadi was the consecration and dedication ceremony of St. Paul’s Anglican Church by the then Bishop of Jerusalem Weston Henry Stewart on November 16th, 1956. Since the Anglican Church Chaplain was in charge of St. Paul’s Anglican Church in Ahmadi, our Malayalee Congregation also got a worship slot in the Church. 

With the passage of time, the Mar Thoma Church Synod realized the need for a local parish and a dedicated full-time vicar in Kuwait. In May 1963, the Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish came into existence. Ahmadi/Fahaheel was one of the prayer groups under Kuwait Mar Thoma Parish until Ahmadi Mar Thoma Parish was set up in January 1984. A Kalpana from the Most Rev. Dr. Alexander Mar Thoma Metropolitan proclaimed the formation of Ahmadi Mar Thoma Parish, with Rev. M.C. John as the first vicar. 

The parish activities were, however, suspended from 2nd August 1990, following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait. Regular church activities did not resume till the liberation of Kuwait on 20th March 1992 with a Holy Communion service led by Rev. K.K. Abraham at Ahmadi St. Paul’s Church.

By the year 2017, the membership increased considerably, and the existing facilities were not enough to accommodate the big crowds that turned up regularly, especially during the Holy Week and Christmas Services. Thus, was born the idea of setting up a new Mar Thoma parish in Ahmadi to ensure better pastoral care and more worship services to our believers. 

The Almighty inspired and motivated a group of 8 senior members of the parish towards the formation of a new parish in Ahmadi and formed an Ad-hoc Committee on 10th August 2017 to oversee the formation of a new parish. On 11th August 2017, members of the Ad-hoc committee met the Metropolitan His Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma at Pulatheen and requested the need for a new parish in Ahmadi area of Kuwait. Thirumeni responded favorably to the request and instructed to submit supporting documents. A group of 18 members joined hands with the Ad-hoc committee to execute the action plan. As a result, 175 members expressed their consensus to join the new parish and their signed applications were collected and submitted to the Metropolitan.

On 20th February 2018, the Episcopal Synod decided to form a new parish named Kuwait St. Paul’s Mar Thoma Parish with 175 members and approved Rs.15,000/- for Nithya Chilavu. To this effect, a Kalpana was issued on 26th February 2018. The Metropolitan appointed Rev. Biju Sam as the first Vicar from 1st April 2018 along with the details of worship timing at St. Paul’s Church through a Kalpana dated 15th March 2018.

The first general body meeting was held on 21st March 2018, as per the Kalpana of the Mar Thoma Metropolitan presided by Rev. Biju Sam and elected the Edavaka office bearers, Organization office bearers and other Kaisthana Samathy members of the parish. Edavaka Sanghom decided to set up six (6) prayer groups and to conduct the official inauguration of the Edavaka on 4th April 2018. “Year of Prayer and Restoration” was the theme selected for the first year.

On 4th April 2018, the inaugural Holy Communion Service of the new parish was conducted by the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Marthoma Metropolitan assisted by Rev. Biju Sam, the first Vicar. The official inauguration meeting was held on the same day at St. Paul’s Church Ahmadi presided by HG Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan in the presence of Rt. Rev. Dr. Mathews Mar Makarios Episcopa, Rt. Rev. Abraham Mar Serapheem Episcopa of the Orthodox Church, Revd. Dr Michael Mbona, ICC Chaplain St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Vicars of our sister parishes, NECK representatives and the Mar Thoma Community in Kuwait.

(His Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan  (Mar Thoma XXI) signing the Edavak Register of Immanuel MTC on 5th April 2018 at the Parsonage assisted by our first Vicar Rev. Biju Sam)

On 5th April 2018, a joint meeting of all Edavaka organization members was held in Mar Thoma Centre presided by HG Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan to declare the formation of all the parish organizations: Edavaka Mission, Yuvajana Sakhyam, Sevika Sanghom, Parish Choir and Sunday School and Metropolitan signed the Edavaka Register. 

Rev. Biju Sam served the new parish till 30th April 2018 and after that Rev. Bobby Mathew, Vicar of Salmyia St. Thomas parish served as the acting Vicar till the appointment of Very Rev. Dr. C. K. Mathew (retired Vicar General of Mar Thoma Church) as the second Vicar of the parish from 1st September 2018 through a Kalpana dated 30th August 2018. Very Rev. Dr. C. K. Mathew Achen served the parish till 30th April 2022. Rev. Shibu K, Vicar St. James MTC, Kuwait served as the acting Vicar till the arrival of our third Vicar Rev. K.C. Chacko on 24th August 2022. 

Our parish fully involve in the activities of Kuwait Centre Mar Thoma Joint Fellowship and Kuwait Episcopal Churches. At present, we have 507 members from 176 units. We continue to serve humanity in Kuwait and India and other parts of the world.